I'm currently a third-year architecture student at the University of Pittsburgh also pursuing a minor in Film Studies and a certificate in Sustainability.
I was born and raised in San Juan, Puerto Rico. Currently based in Pittsburgh, PA.
As an aspiring architect, I feel as though to be great in one field of design you must be well-rounded in all the different mediums of art+design. I have experience in the Fine Arts, including but not limited to, painting, drawing, filmmaking, photography, and graphic design. I've taken all of these vehicles to further deepen my design practices.
Design is everywhere. It's in our surroundings and it's built into us. We speak visually, words are only so reassuring. To see something is one of the closest things we have to immortality. It's tangible affirmation.
My projects speak to different topics. Topics like identity, perception, exploration of the mind, colonialism, and the colonized mindset.
An extension of how I think.